A Global Platform with Data & Technology That Empower the Talent Ecosystem

GenuineIn is the world’s first genuine profile platform, manages self-sovereign career identity of individual through network of credential issuers, validates intellectual assets and build a talent ecosystem that adds substantial value to individuals and society

LER Publication
Platform for publishing 50+ types of learning and work records in interoperable, sharable, self-verifiable and open standard
Profile Wallet
Profile wallet for individuals to store education and career credentials at one place with security, privacy and to share wherever
Record Registry
Credential registry for organizations to manage all types of learner credentials with tamper-evident, API access and instant verifiable
Talent Analytics
AI based talent analytical solution for individuals and organizations to understand talent performance and to make better decisions


Integrated Skills Taxonomy and Talent Modelling

  • Global Skill Taxonomy

    GenuineIn integrates global job taxonomy which includes 69 industries, 76000+job roles, 32000+ skills, competencies, company requirements, trends and demands

  • Talent Models

    We included machine learning technology and applied it to talent database to create structured talent models belong to specific career areas, expertise, or aspects of jobs

Company Database

Company database managed worldwide and country wise with their industry domains

Job Requirements

Company’s current requirement details and role descriptions are maintained

Curriculum & Outcome

Centralized curriculum structure, subject details and its learning outcomes are maintained


A talent Ecosystem is designed to meet the needs of Academia & Industry Collaboration

The platform aims to create consensus among the institutions, individuals and the industries on shared goals of skills mapping, competencies, collaboration, talent and intelligence. We drive discussion, innovation and experimentation to address the global talent concerns

Educational Institutions

Universities, colleges and schools

EdTech Platforms

learning, certification & assessment

Trainers & Mentors

Training providers and mentors

Corporates & Recruiters

Companies and recruiters

Learners & individuals

Students, executives and individuals

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Discover GenuineIn APIs and see how you can use it for your enhancement

Use the GenuineIn API to connect your system with Genuine Platform for create, access, validate, display credentials and innovate. Seamlessly transfer learner and organizational data from your system into GenuineIn using our API framework.

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Discover More
GenuineIn Login

Let GenuineIn users easily login and connect with your service

LER Write

Learning and Employment Record for learners with skills

LER Read

Access specific LER details of issued by your organization

LER Verify

Let verify LER details which is published through GenuineIn

LER Search

Search published LER by receiver, title, date of issue and record type

LER Services

LER service API to modify, withdraw, delete and republish records


GenuineIn Enhances Trust & Identity

We follow the global standards to ensure interoperability, security, and verifiability of information. Our record framework is authoritative, trustworthy and controllable by learners.

We comply with data protection and privacy regulations in storing and processing personal data. Our records are based on IMS Global standard for LER publication.

Expert IT solutions for Your business
Open Standards and Common Ontologies
Rewamping Systems in Modern Healthcare
Authentic, Accurate, Legitimate, and Verifiable
Ideas for high returns on investment
Data Portable and Transferrable